05/01/2024 – ADHD medication shortage

We have been forwarded this document from Psychiatry UK (the main recent provider for ADHD diagnosis and treatment titration) regarding the ADHD medication shortages. We have made every effort to conserve ADHD treatment for patients established on the medicines, but as the stock issues persist and worsen this has become increasingly difficult, and is consuming significant Pharmacy, GP, and medicines management time.

The document below contains the significant phrase that for many patients, the recommendation when a medication is out of stock is that “treatment is paused”. They advise there should not be a withdrawal problem aside from the return of previous ADHD traits and symptoms. This will be a stressful time for those of you who waited a long time for diagnosis and treatment and finally feel things are going well on the medication. We will continue to support you in every way we can:

Dr Mercer, Jan 2024